April 16, 2024

Hangover cures run from hokey to scientific

Revelers who intend to make the most of their New Year’s celebrations but are afraid that the New Year won’t be the only thing ringing in the next morning, take heart. There may be a cure for you.

Remedies range far and wide for those suffering from too much champagne. The quest for cures for the common hangover has created a market for mass-produced remedies as well as made arm-chair physicians out of many in search of home-made solutions.

If you’re expecting the worst the morning after, taking preventive measures may reduce or alleviate the rumbling stomach, pounding headache and general queasiness associated with hangovers.

Before imbibing, eating a big meal, ice cream, drinking milk or even reportedly quaffing down a beer with a raw-egg chaser may serve to coat the stomach and thereby retard the alcohol seeping into the bloodstream.

A glass of water before, in between, or after alcoholic beverages may also help. Dehydration is a major culprit in causing the misery that a hangover brings. Drinking water apparently helps replenish the bodily fluids lost to all those bathroom calls caused by drinking alcohol.

For procrastinators, there are a number of after-the-fact remedies. As a bartender for 39 years, Julia McCarthy of Geaghan’s Roundhouse Lounge has heard quite a few of them.

Drinking a Bloody Mary (containing the soothing ingredient tomato juice) or blackberry brandy the morning after may help coat and placate even the most unruly stomach, she says.

Some of her customers swear that drinking one warm and flat beer the next morning takes some of the sting out of the hangover by re-hydrating the body and lessening the headache.

For those who are more traditionalists and aren’t into newfangled methods, there’s a remedy dating back to at least the 16th century that McCarthy still hears about.

It has to do with having a bit of the hair of the dog that bit you, although your family pet is not required for this. The idea comes from a 1547 collection of colloquial proverbs by English playwright John H refers to an old recipe that, in light of excesses the night before, recommends drinking a little bit of the same liquor that brought about the inebriation in the first place.

But Pharmacist Paul Sevigny of Affiliated Pharmacy in Bangor doesn’t buy this method, believing that it only delays the hangover, not cure it.

“It just puts off the inevitable,” he said. “You’re still going to get hammered.”

Sevigny offered some of his own remedies — ones which were based on years of rigorous testing by his college fraternity brothers back in the 1960s and 1970s.

Sevigny said that his Greek brothers used to take a combination of Vitamin B and honey in the morning. The idea was, he said, that the B vitamins would “theoretically take the edge off the nerve impulse sensitivity” thereby lessening the dull ache feeling that comes with a hangover.

The dextrose and fructose found in honey were to naturally replenish the body’s sugars as well as to help the liver process the alcohol and get rid of the stomach-rumbling-causing byproducts more quickly.

If home remedies aren’t your style, pre-packaged relief can be found in many pharmacies and stores. One is appropriately called XS Hangover Relief, something Sevigny described as a “shotgun treatment.” The liquid contains such things as calcium citrate and calcium carbonate to settle the stomach, an analgesic to quiet the gastrointestinal tract as well as good old caffeine.

Caffeine here is not only supposed to perk the body up but also provide headache relief. It seems that caffeine constricts the throbbing blood vessels that expand during a headache.

Also available is a similar product going by the name Dr. Seltzer’s Hangover Helper. In the colorful, but petit package are two tablets that contain aspirin, calcium carbonate, Vitamin B-1, an analgesic and as much caffeine as found in half a cup of coffee.

Despite all the readily available but uncertain treatments, area pharmacists and bartenders agree that the one surefire method for dealing with a hangover is to not get one in the first place. Not drinking to excess, they said, is the best way to avoid problems the next day.

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